It’s all about doing what you love.

writing game modes in your favorite language

Get Started


Shoebill has been designed with love, many hours went into the development of this project.

Powerful, but easy

One goal was to not just create a powerful framework, but also make it easy-to-use for everybody.


Java allows the developer to create better structured code. Shoebill supports the newest Java 8 features, including Lamba-Expressions.


C++ and Java gives Shoebill great speed improvements. It is up to 7.5x faster than Pawn.

„Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. "

- Martin Fowler

Getting started

Setup your working environment on Windows

This video will demonstrate, how to setup a simple SA-MP Server with Shoebill in use. You will need JDK 8, the 32 Bit version, and a sa-mp server distribution. You will add a Java variable to help shoebill to find the correct Java location. When everything has been set up, the example lvdm gamemode will boot up. Congratulations! Your first Shoebill SA-MP Server is now running on your local machine.

Setup your working environment on a Mac

This video will guide you through the process of creating a shoebill flavored SA-MP Server. You will be using our Mac Wrapper which can be downloaded here:

Download Mac Wrapper

Creating your first gamemode in Eclipse

This video will demonstrate, how to setup a simple, selfmade gamemode in Java for the Shoebill framework. We will use an IDE called „Eclipse". You will need to add maven and then create a new maven project. You’ll then need to add our repository and dependencies into your pom.xml file and then you are ready to go. After you’ve built your first gamemode, the video will show you how to run your gamemode on your local machine.

Creating your first gamemode in IDEA 14

This video will demonstrate, how to setup a simple, selfmade gamemode in Java for the Shoebill framework. We will use an IDE called „IntelliJ IDEA“ in the version 14, but most other versions will work fine too. It’s the same as the Eclipse video, but this time we’ll be using a different IDE.

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